Title: Resurrecting Her Series: Revive #2 Author: A.M. Wilson Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Date: April 29, 2016 SynopsisMarlena Aldrich Travis is still out there. I don’t think I’ll ever be free. He’s not going to stop until I’m his. Elias and Sin may be protecting me, but I’ll never be safe. Not with all the secrecy and lies I’ve been told. But I have a secret of my own this time, and it’s destroying me slowly from the inside. Elias Brooks I made a mistake by exposing Marlee to my world, but I won’t stop until I make it right. It’s too late to go back now. She’s mine. I’ll let her unravel every thread. Disclose every single half-truth until I can breathe life back into her. What’s done is done. I put her in danger before but never again. We made ourselves vulnerable with our carelessness. We’re both to blame. When the threat comes to our doorstep, will we fight through it together? Or let it tear us apart? |
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